Understand The Singly Linked List and its Operation

Each node stores a reference to an object that is an element of the sequence, as well as a reference to the next node of the list.

A singly linked list, in its simplest form, is a collection of nodes that collectively form a linear sequence.

Each node stores a reference to an object that is an element of the sequence, as well as a reference to the next node of the list.

Node of Singly Linked List
Singly Linked List Node

The list instance maintains a member named head that identifies the first node of the list.

In some applications another member named tail that identifies the last node of the list.

The first and last node of a linked list are known as the head and tail of the list.

We can identify the tail as the node having None as its next reference.

This process is commonly known as traversing the linked list.

Inserting an Element at the Head of a Singly Linked List
Singly Linked List

Because the next reference of a node can be viewed as a link or pointer to another node, the process of traversing a list is also known as link hopping or pointer hopping.

Inserting an Element at the Head of a Singly Linked List
Singly LinkedList

Singly LinnkedList Note the change of the diagram for simplicity.

Traversing Element at the Head of a Singly Linked List
Singly LinkedList

An important property of a linked list is that it does not have a predetermined fixed size.

It uses space proportionally to its current number of elements.

Inserting an Element at the Head of a Singly Linked List πŸ˜πŸ‘‡

To insert a new element at the head of the list:

  • We create a new node.
  • Set its element to the new element
  • Set its next link to refer to the current head.
  • Then set the list’s head to point to the new node.
Inserting an Element at the Head of a Singly Linked List
(a) before the insertion (b) after creation of a new node (c) after reassignment of the head reference.

Inserting an Element at the Tail of a Singly Linked List πŸ˜—πŸ‘‡

We can also easily insert an element at the tail of the list, provided we keep a reference to the tail node

  • Create a new node
  • Assign its next reference to None
  • Set the next reference of the tail to point to this new node
  • Then update the tail reference itself to this new node.
Inserting an Element at the Tail of a Singly Linked List
(a) before the insertion (b) after creation of a new node (c) after reassignment of the tail reference.

Note that we must set the next link of the tail in (b) before we assign the tail variable to point to the new node in (c).

Removing an Element from a Singly Linked List πŸ˜œπŸ‘‡

Removing an element from the head of a singly linked list is essentially the reverse operation of inserting a new element at the head.

Removing an Element from a Singly Linked List
(a) before the removal (b) after β€œlinking out” the old head (c) final configuration
  • We cannot easily delete the last node of a singly linked list.
  • Even if we maintain a tail reference directly to the last node of the list, we must be able to access the node before the last node in order to remove the last node.
  • But we cannot reach the node before the tail by following next links from the tail.
  • If we want to support such an operation efficiently, we will need to make our list doubly linked.

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