Problem Statement: Given an integer A
. Compute and return the square root of A
. If A
is not a perfect square, return floor(sqrt(A))
. The value of A
can cross the range of Integer.
Example 1:
Input: 11
Output: 3
Explanation 1: When A = 11, the square root of A = 3.316. It is not a perfect square so we return the floor which is 3.
Example 2:
Input: 9
Output: 3
Explanation 2: When A = 9 which is a perfect square of 3, so we return 3.
Problem Constraints: 0 <= A <= 1010
Disclaimer: Don’t directly jump into the solution, first try it yourself.
Approach 1: Brute Force Approach
This approach is simple just iterate i
from 1 to A and calculate (i*i)
until we get i*i = A or ((i+1)*(i+1)) > A
. Once we reach this condition just return i
the value as output. The value i
will be the Sqrt(A)
class Coderzpy { int sqrt(int A) { long ans = 0; for(long i = 0; i <= A; i++){ if(i*i == A || (i+1)*(i+1) > A { ans = i; } } return (int) ans; } public static void main(String args[]) { int A = 11; System.out.println("The sqrt is: "+ sqrt(A)); } }
output: The sqrt is: 3
Time Complexity: O(sqrt(n)) for iterating each element until it reaches the i*i = sqrt(A)
Space Complexity: O(1).
Approach 2: Optimized Approach
In this approach, we are going to use Binary Search, to optimize the search time complexity by searching the elements within a confined search space.
class Coderzpy { public int sqrt(int A) { long left = 0; long right = A; while(left <= right) { long mid = (left + right) / 2; if(A == 2 || A == 1) { return 1; } if(mid*mid == A || (mid*mid < A && (mid+1)*(mid+1) > A)) { return (int)mid; } if(mid*mid < A) { left = mid+1; }else { right = mid-1; } } return 0; } public static void main(String args[]) { int A = 11; System.out.println("The sqrt is: "+ sqrt(A)); } }
output: The sqrt is: 3
Time Complexity: O(log(n)) because using Binary Search to find the sqrt(A)
Space Complexity: O(1).
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